Automated Guided Vehicle

Our automated guided vehicles (AGV), including automated guided forklifts, are used to handle repetitive warehouse material handling tasks.

What is an Automated Guided Vehicle?

Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) is an unmanned automated device with automatic guidance. It is powered by batteries and can accurately move and stop at designated locations under computer monitoring and task scheduling to complete a series of tasks such as picking up, delivering, and charging. It provides advanced and flexible modern industrial automated warehousing and logistics system automation solutions.

Why Choose an Automated Guided Vehicle?

Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV) and Robotic Forklifts are primarily used because they can significantly improve production efficiency, reduce labor costs, and achieve high-precision and high-efficiency automated material handling and transportation in complex warehousing and logistics environments, while enhancing workplace safety and flexibility.

  • How are Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV) commonly used?

    Our AGV support many types of movements within the manufacturing warehouse or distribution facility, including:
    Receiving to warehouse
    Manufacturing to warehouse
    Warehouse to manufacturing
    Work cell to work cell
    Warehouse to picking
    Picking to shipping
    Long-haul transportation
    Transport in production
    Storage and retrieval
    End-of-line transport
    Trailer loading/unloading

  • What are the benefits of Automated Guided Vehicle(AGV) Systems?

    Rapid implementation and start-up
    Significantly lower operating costs than manual alternatives
    Increased productivity and efficiency
    Reduced labor requirements
    Significantly decreased product damage
    Improved occupational health and safety
    Enhanced product traceability
    Better space utilization
    Improved dispatch and shipping accuracy

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